Menders: Lead from Within with Dr. Nicola De Paul

Maintain your leadership presence in challenging circumstances with Miracle Laurie May

April 08, 2023 Dr. Nicola De Paul Season 3

Lead with self-awareness and mindfulness to keep your leadership presence in difficult times. 

As a psychologist, much of my time is spent teaching people how to regulate their emotions. You could call this skill learning how to manage stress, distress tolerance, or create breathing space under pressure. 

Leaders need three skills to stay calm and maintain leadership presence in difficult situations.

  1. Mindful emotional awareness
  2. Flexible thinking
  3. Values-aligned action 

I use these skills to calm my out-of-control emotional response when my preschooler is obnoxious, with a challenging patient, and when I give or receive difficult feedback. These are also foundational skills for effective leadership. 

Transformational leaders are connected to their own emotional experiences and have the emotional capacity to connect with and acknowledge their team members’ emotions too. 

Miracle Laurie May and I discussed how leaders could use mindful emotional awareness to stay present and lead people by example during challenging moments. 

Listen to find out: 

  • The five A's of Mindful Awareness
  • How mindfulness helps leaders to lead by example
  • Why mindfulness and meditation aren't the same
  • How mindfulness practice can help elevate your leadership skills

Read more at my blog

Bio: Miracle Laurie May is a mindfulness coach who works with leaders motivated to prioritize joy, integrity, and equanimity in their daily lives. You can learn more about her work and find her at Have Zen Will Travel

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