Menders: Lead from Within with Dr. Nicola De Paul

Earn trust by promoting autonomy with Dr. Mayan Bomsztyk

April 21, 2023 Dr. Nicola De Paul

Earn employees' trust by giving them a life-giving workplace.

I’d been waiting to catch the attention of my chief of staff all morning. I finally had her on my screen. With my headphones on, I didn’t notice the office door creak open until a glitter-encrusted wand was thrust in my face. I was mortified, but she responded graciously, “I have kids too.” 

COVID reminded us of our humanity and removed the work-life separation so many of us were used to. So, let’s use that lesson to reshape how we think about healthcare to create life-giving work and resilient workplaces for frontline employees and leaders in healthcare.

I sat down with Dr. Mayan Bomsztyk and asked her to share her thoughts on building trust between executives and frontline clinicians and improving employees' happiness in healthcare workplaces. Her big takeaway, learn the proper lessons from COVID to reconnect with the big picture and reprioritize what is fulfilling about working in healthcare for your frontline. 

While she no longer supervises frontline staff, she is still constantly thinking about the needs of her frontline staff. She shared how she approaches frontline concerns at the executive level.

Here are some of her recommendations:

1.    Rebalance work duties so employees can thrive.

2.    Make allowances for humanity at work.

3.    Consider the big picture when looking at metrics.

4.    Go the extra mile to re-engage your people and promote change.

**This is a replay of Menders episode 1, originall  published in April of 2022.

Bio: Dr. Mayan Bomsztyk is an internal medicine physician at an executive leadership level in the public sector.

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